If you, like me, are over a half century old, then you probably are sporting some aches and pains. Maybe it’s an old sport injury, or work related problem, an inherited disease state or from past surgeries. Maybe you have noticed that there is a cacophony of noises as you rise from a night’s sleep. If you are lucky enough to sleep through the night, I am going on record as being jealous.
My noises are a combination of groans, moans, grunts and vocal sounds of “Do I really have to get up?” to “Oh, no – I really got-a-go!” Thad and I sound like a children’s beginner band warming up for a practice session.
There are days when I ask God “Why am I still here?” Or if you are my age and can remember the commercial for bath powder – “Calgon, take me away!” There are days when I feel like I am all used up with nothing left of my brain or body.
But if you are into your next half century, you might also feel blessed to be here. While having survived a plethora of medical mayhem and having the scars and physical limitations associated with it; I also have the appreciation of still being in this life to see my daughter as a wife and a mother, watch my grandsons grow and mature, and a husband to share this life that God has gifted to me. Not to mention to hone my writing craft and interact with readers such as yourselves.
I truly believe that while God gives us free will, it will be He who determines when I get to join Him. And while I wait for the home he is preparing for me (John 14:3), I continue to seek to be more like Jesus through His words and the words of the bible.
It makes me realize that while our bodies are aging and withering away; we are as Emily Dickenson quotes: “We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”
We are chameleons in a sense. We have the opportunity to change our colors with each encounter or experience and slough our skin to become anew in our actions and words. In other words, we can adapt to overcome and grow to be the person God has meant us to be. Musician David Bowie was a great example of a chameleon in his music. His journey led him through the various music genres such as pop, rock, electronic, and industrial which let him into film, fashion, and beyond. In a conversation with “Gear” Magazine he shunned the notion of seeking youth and advocated living in the present. He promoted that age comes with authenticity, and a chance to be your true self – God’s child.
Have I lost you? Let me explain my thinking. Each event, each encounter, each experience is an opportunity to gain wisdom, perspective, survive and thrive in moments that makes us new and improved in thought, word, deed and spirit. And it is those that we bring to God to honor Him who has given us so much.
We are God’s beautiful creatures at each stage of our lives – for each stage of living has their gifts.
Will you share your gifts today, tomorrow and always?
How do you feel about the period of life you are living in today? Do you see the worthiness of the person God has made and is making through your life? Share so that others might join in the conversation.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
Thank you for reading my post. If you have found it encouraging please consider liking, commenting or sharing it. Feel free to even re-blog – may these words take flight!
I have additional insights I’d love to share with you found in the pages of my debut book: Surviving Medical Mayhem – Laughing When It Hurts. To order a copy or learn more go to my website at www.lorettaschoen.com
Blessings for Health & Wellness.
Hi there,
January 25, 2023 at 11:34 amCan so relate to this post! Yes! I feel so blessed to be here! Enjoying family, hubby, 3 daughters & spouses, 3 grandkids-so precious!
Yes! I am a medical mayhem survivor of 3 cancers. And now #4….Just diagnosed with brain cancer… so Appreciate your Prayers…
YES! So encouraged by your writing of a new opportunity to “adapt to overcome and grow to be the person God has meant (me) to be.”
The Lord has already blessed me with so much–so Grateful! May the Lord bless us all with HIS “wisdom, perspective” and help us to “survive and thrive in moments that makes (us) new and improved in thought, word, deed and spirit.”
Truly, the “Joy of the Lord is my Strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10)
Mary Jo