Blessed Birth Transcends Time

On March 4, 1920 a father rejoiced in the birth of his son.  It was a birth that was not to have happened for his wife had a weakened heart. And yet, there was his beautiful wife offering his son up into his arms.  As he held this baby, his own heart felt as if it would burst with love.   In his passion and his gratefulness to God for making this miracle happen, he used his talent to create and write the song Gesu Bambino.

It tells the story of the miracle of Jesus’s birth and the gift that God bestowed to the earth.  It allows us to glimpse the wonderment of that night, recapture the light of the world and rejoice in it.  Its simple melody and words became an instant sensation, propelling the young man into infamy that would remain far past his life on earth.  It is a song that is heard in churches, music stations and performed in concerts the world over during Christmastime.  It remains as beautiful today as it did the day it was written.

Imagine how passionate God was at the birth of His son, Jesus!  Feel the excitement God had as the miraculous birth was announced by angels, and stars guided the shepherds and kings to pay homage.    Jesus came as an infant, dressed in swaddling cloth, to show us how to live, to love, and to share and care for this earth that the Father created.  While Jesus lived a short time on earth, His words, His life, His ways continue to live throughout the world.  He lives in each of us, simply, by asking Him to come into our lives and into our hearts.

Gesu Bambino reminds us to rejoice and adore Him. To follow the lead of the wise men and humbly worship and follow the star that is Jesus Christ.  It is my hope that you will steal away from the hustle and bustle to sit quietly in the wonderment of God’s great love.  Let Jesus into your life and heart and show your gratefulness by raising your voices to acclaim His name.  For “from paradise to earth He came that we might indeed dwell with Him”.

May the spirit that is Jesus fill your soul this Christmas Day.

p.s. Gesu Bambino was written by my grandfather, Pietro A. Yon.  Please click on the link below and enjoy this inspirational music.

Gesu Bambino by Pietro Yon

When blossoms flower e’er ‘mid the snows,
Upon a winter night,
Was born the child, the Christmas rose,
The king of love and light.
The angels sang, the shepherds sang,
The grateful earth rejoiced;
And at his blessed birth the stars
Their exultation voiced.
O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
Christ the lord.
Again the heart with rapture glows
To greet the holy night,
That gave the world it’s Christmas rose,
Its king of love and light
Let ev’ry voice acclaim his name,
The grateful chorus swell
From paradise to earth he came
That we with him might dwell.

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    • Reply

    Loved the story behind the song, O come let us adore him is a Christmas staple. God Bless you All on Christmas!

    Sent from my iPad


    December 25, 2015 at 12:50 pm

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