The orchid plant in and of itself is not a particularly beautiful plant. Often in its dormant season it will look dead, barren of any texture or softness. Some say they require much attention to bloom while others will boast that their orchids thrive on benign neglect. Some require rock, while others soil and some seem to need only something for their roots to adhere to. All appear to require a dormant time in order to put forth their bloom. Despite the adversity, despite the starkness of the plant itself, the bloom is extraordinary and beautiful.
To me the orchid is an analogy for periods of our lives. At times our lives can be lonely, difficult, exhausting, or just plain ugly. However, through these times in our lives comes a bloom within us that makes us stronger and more beautiful in spirit. If we choose to persevere to know and understand that this season in our lives will pass and a beauty will come out of it; then we can look for God’s message in the difficult times and wait for the Lord to make clear our path. Beauty blooms through the barrenness and brokenness in our lives.
Is there a barrenness in your life or perhaps a health issue or a relationship that you are struggling with? If so, do not despair. Be patient, persevere and ask for God’s grace and His will to be done through the season of adversity. Visualize it changing, and believe that through Him the season of bloom is just around the corner.
“Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already – you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there. “
Isaiah 43:19 – Good News Translation.
I hope so.
January 25, 2017 at 12:54 pmLet us pray and hope it is.
January 25, 2017 at 3:41 pmAlways a message when I need to hear it! Thank you.
January 27, 2017 at 6:44 pm