Have you ever had a dream that came and went and then came again? At times, it felt so out of range that it was merely an unobtainable pipe dream. There were times when the dream itself was obscured by earthly living until it was triggered by frustration, or a need so deep it festered up periodically. One needed to pick at it, at least until something dragged you away once again.
Ever stop to wonder why the dream comes or doesn’t come to fruition when you want it to?
I have. At times I wanted to give up, thinking it was not in God’s plan, only in mine. And it surely couldn’t be achieved. I wasn’t good enough. I didn’t know enough. I needed to look elsewhere. But the urge – no – the need became such a powerful desire that I was willing to take the chance, to work the hours, to hone the craft. Even then, I kept asking – “Am I where you want me to be, Lord?” ” Is this the time, Lord?” At such times, Psalm 32:8 would spur me on: “I will instruct you and teach you the way to go.” And so with this verse on my mind, I kept on the path set before me.
After 13 years my dream rocket has launched! My dream came in the form of life experiences which morphed into a book called Surviving Medical Mayhem – Laughing When It hurts. And today it is being released on both Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com!
There are so many people to thank for this time in my life. So many I feel sure were placed by God. Upon sharing my childhood dream with a family friend and author, she encouraged me to write about what I knew. I was 8 at the time of that confession and knew little of anything and had surely nothing to write about. There were healthcare professionals who took the time not only to heal me but to educate me about my body and the plethora of illnesses they saw me through. My husband supported me both financially and emotionally so I could pursue this lofty idea of writing. He never begrudged the inordinate amount of time I spend squirreled away from him or the world around me. To my daughter who has more talent than I do in writing and with whom I hope to one day have the honor and privilege to collaborate on a book. Her enthusiasm, encouragement and deep faith in God’s direction propelled me when I thought about quitting. And foremost, to God who knew the plans He had for me and despite my desperate detours at “finding myself” knew was patient and merciful. The pain, the growth, the scars all led me to where I needed to be.
Today, I celebrate not only the release of my book but the people and events that God has placed on my road to eternity. Without each of you, without each of these events, this book may never have been written. And it is my hope that within these pages someone will find encouragement, inspiration and peace to grow from their adversity, grow in their faith to find comfort in the arms of God. If so, give the glory to God.
Surviving Medical Mayhem – Laughing When It Hurts is available at:
For a signed copy order at: www.SurvivingMedicalMayhem.com/Book or www.LorettaSchoen.com/Book