Past, Present and Future

This is a wonderful quote by Gayle Carson, business and leadership expert.

If we allow ourselves to be lost within the myriad of medical mayhem, licking our wounds, feeling our losses or conjuring up difficult memories of the past then we allow our history to define our future.  But if we choose to remember the words above then we can overcome old patterns and pain to create the life we want and that God wants for us.

There is no time like the present to choose to be either victims to our past, or look forward to the future with expectation that we will be survivors and become who God wants us to be: strong, resilient, and faith filled servants of God.

“You must believe that your past is not your future.”


Thank you for reading my post.  If you have found it encouraging please consider liking, commenting or sharing it.  Feel free to even re-blog – may these words take flight!


I have additional insights I’d love to share with you found in the pages of my debut book: Surviving Medical Mayhem – Laughing When It Hurts.  To order a copy or learn more go to my website at

Blessings for Health & Wellness.



Comments (1)

  1. Thank you so much for your encouragement! I look forward to my future of getting through c #4(!) with expectation that I will thrive and survive and become who God wants me to be: a strong, resilient, and faith filled servant of God.
    So appreciate your prayers. Know that my prayers are with you, too.
    God Bless YOU!
    Mary Jo

    February 2, 2023 at 9:25 am

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